Council’s investment in highway resurfacing continues

A Westmorland and Furness Council Highways Vehicle

Westmorland and Furness Council’s annual programme of work to improve local highways is set to continue with a series of resurfacing and drainage projects taking place soon.

Resurfacing and drainage works between Kemplay Bank Roundabout to 100m south of the Eamont Road Bridge, Penrith will begin in May to improve the degrading road surface, increase skid resistance and improve the drainage of standing water.

Two weekend road closures (Saturday and Sunday) will take place on the weekends of 13/14 May and 20/21 May to complete the work. The road will be fully closed with access for emergency vehicles only but pedestrians and dismounted cyclists will still be able to use the footpaths. Traffic Marshalls will be stationed at either end of the closure and a fully signed diversion will be in place, as well as “Open For Business” signs.

Resurfacing and drainage works from 100m south of the road bridge to the junction B5320 (Pooley Bridge Road) will also be undertaken under traffic signal control following the weekend closures.

A council spokesperson said: “Due to the scale of this project, some delays are inevitable and we apologise for any inconvenience while we carry out these essential improvements. We’ve chosen to carry out the work at the weekend to keep disruption to a minimum and avoid the busy commuter and school run traffic during the week. The closures are also timed to avoid the May Bank Holidays and Coronation but allow completion of the works prior to Kendal Calling and the peak summer holiday period.

“The roads must be closed during this work due to the proximity to the roundabout at Kemplay and the available working space near to the road bridge

“The works to the next section of road along from the closures (south of the road bridge to the junction at Pooley Bridge Road) will then start from 12 June (after Appleby Fair) and will last for approximately 8 days. Unfortunately, this additional work may also result in relatively long delays at peak periods and we therefore advise road users to avoid the area and take an alternative route if possible."

For the latest updates on roadworks and road closures in Westmorland and Furness, please visit the One Network website or call the Highways Hotline on 0300 373 3306.

More information about the Westmorland and Furness Highways service can be found on the Westmorland and Furness Council website.