Protecting our environment including information on conservation areas, listed buildings, the historic environment and how to submit a site for bio diversity net gain, habitat restoration and nutrient neutrality.
Planning Policy plans for long term development. Policies are set out in Local Plans for an area. Planning or building must be in areas shown for development on a Local Plan.
You will need to contact us about work on trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders and trees in conservation areas, removal of countryside hedgerows and high hedge complaints.
Biodiversity in relation to planning issues including biodiversity planning advice, biodiversity net-gain call for sites and nutrient neutrality information.
The requirement to demonstrate Nutrient Neutrality applies to all full and outline planning applications for the certain types of development. Submission of specific documents is a validation requirement for all applicable types of planning application.
Apply to inspect, search or amend the registers of common land and village greens, register a new village green, view notices of applications and decisions.