Bins, recycling and street cleaning

Bin collections, recycling, street cleaning, business and commercial waste. How to dispose of hazardous waste.

Bin collections

Check when your bin will be collected, what do if it was missed, how to order a new bin and how to get help if you can't put your bins out yourself.


Where you can recycle in your area, what you can and cannot recycle and other ways to dispose of your waste.

Hazardous and clinical waste

There are alternative ways to dispose of items such asbestos, syringes and chemicals, such as brake fluid or print toner.

Bulky waste collections

For items that are too large to go into general rubbish, you can pay for us to remove it from your home or you can look to sell or donate them.

Garden waste collections

Each household in the South Lakeland area will have a green bin, if you live in the Barrow or Eden area you will need to arrange a collection through us.

Service updates

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  • Ambleside Wray Castle area, Neam Cragg, Langdale area

    Thursday, 6th February. Adverse weather conditions are affecting our recycling collections. We will return when possible, please leave your bins out

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  • Barrow central area

    Wednesday, 5th February. There is a disruption to our glass collections round today due to vehicle breakdown. Please take your containers back in. We will return again on the next scheduled day – Wednesday 19th February

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