Got a question about your postal vote?

Postal voting

The rules on postal voting have changed and all postal votes handed in at one of our offices or at a polling station must also have a completed postal vote return form.

Any postal votes returned by hand, but not accompanied by a postal vote return form will be rejected. There are also new limits on the number of postal votes that can be handed in by one person.

Anyone wishing to hand in their postal vote in at their polling station, or a designated council office must complete a postal vote return form for the postal vote to be accepted.

At polling stations Presiding Officers and Clerks will have the necessary form for you to complete at the polling station.

At designated council offices, signage is in place advising electors where they need to go to complete the form necessary for them to hand their postal vote in.

Postal votes must not be put through letterboxes, or into internal mailboxes as these votes will be rejected.

If your address falls in the Penrith and Solway, or Morecambe and Lunesdale constituencies and you need advice on returning a postal vote to a council office - contact the relevant elections teams:

Penrith and Solway constituency elections team, Cumberland Council:

Tel: 0300 373  3730


Morecambe and Lunesdale constituency elections team, Lancaster City Council:

Tel: 01524 582 905


Reissuing postal votes

Your postal vote pack can be reissued if you have spoiled any part of your pack, if you have lost your postal voting pack, or if you never received your postal voting pack.

Postal vote reissues will be managed by the Acting Returning Officer for your constituency. Westmorland and Furness Council can take queries on reissues for the Barrow and Furness, and Westmorland and Lonsdale constituencies.

If your address falls in the Penrith and Solway, or Morecambe and Lunesdale constituencies please contact the relevant Acting Returning Officer by contacting their elections teams, as above.

If you have spoiled your postal vote pack it is important than you contact the Acting Returning Officer straight away. We can advise whether you definitely need a reissue, and how you go about getting one. Packs that have been spoiled must be sent back to us in full before we can reissue them.

If you have not received your postal vote pack please contact the Acting Returning Officer for your constituency, who can arrange a reissue.
More information is available at

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