Children at St Patrick’s C of E Primary School in Endmoor are enjoying the benefits of more space and enhanced facilities following the completion of a £400,000 scheme to build a 90-metre square extension.
Since 2019 the number of children at the school increased from 62 to 98. The additional space, which is inclusive of new toilets, a cloakroom area, storage facilities and a multi-use, 62-metre square classroom, will allow the capacity of children at the school to grow further, in response to increased demand for spaces.
Due to 104 new houses being built in the vicinity of the school, Westmorland and Furness Council received Section 106 Funding from housing developers to ensure sufficient school places are available for Endmoor’s growing community. The remaining funds came from Basic Need Funding, which is money given to local authorities by the Department for Education each year, to make sure there are enough school places in the local area.
These funds were transferred to the Diocese of Carlisle to project manage the works for their building, with construction finished at the end of 2024.
Cllr Janet Battye, Westmorland and Furness Council’s Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said:
“As Ward Councillor, Governor of the school and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, I’m especially pleased to see this new classroom completed. This is a good school with a lovely atmosphere and I am sure that this will be enjoyed by children for many years to come.”
Suzanne Edmondson, Head Teacher at St Patrick’s C of E Primary School, said:
“Parents, staff, governors and most importantly our children, are all delighted that we finally have our new Year 5/6 classroom and facilities. This project started several years ago and there are lots of people who we owe a debt of gratitude to, who have enabled the completion of this building.”
“I would like to thank the Diocese for all their advice and support, Lea Hough who, on behalf of the Diocese, has worked tirelessly to engage with all parties to ensure the completion of the project and to Ashbarn Construction for the high-quality building we have received. I am also so very grateful to our Local Authority who have supported us all the way through this process in so many ways, from the initial support from the Schools Places Team and more recently from the Capital Projects Team.”
“The additional space and facilities we now have at St Patrick's is wonderful and will serve the community of Endmoor extremely well for years to come.”
Key stakeholders for the project were invited to the ribbon cutting event, which was performed by the Mayor of Kendal, Councillor Jonathan Cornthwaite.