Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)

Plans that identify and prioritise future improvements for cycling, wheeling and walking in Barrow, Kendal and Penrith.

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) identify cycling, walking and wheeling improvements at a local level and form part of the governments approach for increasing active travel.  

LCWIPs can help to plan improvements for cycling and walking by:

  • identifying infrastructure improvements for future investment in the short, medium and long term
  • ensuring that consideration is given to cycling, walking and wheeling within local planning and when developing transport policies and strategies
  • providing the evidence base to make the case for future funding and investment in infrastructure

The LCWIPs focus on the improvement of routes used for everyday shorter journeys, such as to work, school or the shops.

They aim to identify good quality infrastructure that connect people to the places they need to get to, in a coherent, direct, safe and attractive way.

Recognising that it is not always possible to connect everywhere and that funding for delivery needs to be secured, the LCWIPs aim to prioritise future investment where the most benefits can be realised.

The LCWIPs are not funded plans however, having LCWIPs in place will put the Council in the best possible position to secure future funding for the delivery of improvements.

LCWIPs in Westmorland and Furness

LCWIPs have been developed for three towns; Barrow-in-Furness, Kendal and Penrith.

For each area the LCWIP include:

  • LCWIP Document - this document provides a non-technical summary of the LCWIP, covering the vision and aim, policy context, current modes of travel, the potential for more walking and cycling, public consultation feedback, the cycling and walking networks and their prioritisation
  • LCWIP Technical Report and Appendices - this document provides details of the data analysis, feasibility and costing exercises that have supported the development of the LCWIP. A prioritised programme of infrastructure improvements is included. Appended to the document are the Cycling Network Plan, Walking Network Plan and Prioritised Cycling Network Plan
  • Consultation Summary Reports - providing a summary of the results from the two public consultation events undertaken whilst developing the LCWIPs. 


The LCWIP covers the borough of Barrow-in-Furness, focusing on the urban area of Barrow but including links to surrounding communities such as Askam-in-Furness and Dalton-in-Furness.


The LCWIP covers Kendal, with a focus on the urban centre but also including links to surrounding communities such as Oxenholme, Burneside, Levens and Staveley.


The LCWIP covers Penrith, with a focus on the urban centre but including links to surrounding communities such as Plumpton, Eamont Bridge and Stainton.