Make a Freedom of Information request

How to make a request for information from us including environmental information or information that we might hold about you.

You can request information under the:

  • Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA)
  • Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR)
  • Personal data request

Information you can ask for

Freedom of Information Request (FOI)

You can request any recorded information already held by us at the time of your request.

Information you can request from us includes; printed documents, computer files, letters, emails, photographs and recordings.

Environmental Information Request (EIR)

Requests relating to any ‘environmental information’ that the Council holds, and which isn’t related to personal or non-environmental data, including; land development, planning, highways, pollution levels, energy production, trees and conservation, housing, and waste management.

It is worth checking our website to see if the information you have requested has not already been published by us already.

Personal data request

You can make a request to find information we hold about you.

This type of request can also be called a Subject Access Request (SAR).

You can look at Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) guidance and Data Protection Act legislation for more information:

Make a request for information

Your request should describe the information you need and any time periods or departments it may relate to. Check the ICO guidance on 'What makes a valid request'.

This will help our officers to find the information quickly.

The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) gives guidance on how to access information from a public body.

For a FOI or EIR fill in the online form:

Send an information request

You can also send a request for an FOI or EIR by:


Letter to:

Information Governance Team

Westmorland and Furness Council

South Lakeland House

Lowther Street




For any enquiries about information request only you can call us on 01539 637 437

FOI complaints

If you need any help with a request you can contact our Information Governance Team. 

If you are dissatisfied with the process or with our response you can make a complaint about by requesting an internal review of your request.

What you can request a review about

You can request that an internal review be carried out about:

  • Our disclosure decision
  • how a request was handled by our team

How to request a review

You can request an internal review:

By email: 

By letter to:

Information Governance Team

Westmorland and Furness Council

South Lakeland House

Lowther Street




What you can expect

When we receive your internal review request we will send you an email. It will say how long we expect it to take  us to respond.

A request for an internal review should be sent to us in writing within 40 working days from receipt of our response.

There is no statutory deadline for undertaking internal reviews but the ICO states that internal reviews should take no longer than 20 working days. 

If it isn’t possible to reach a decision in that time, we will let you know. We will also let you know how long it will; take us to respond.

What to do if you are not satisfied with our response

If you are not satisfied with the response to your internal review you have the option to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Generally, the ICO will not consider your complaint unless you have:

  • followed up with us, if you have not received a response after 20 working days
  • complained to us first, if you are not happy with our response

You can make an complaint to the ICO online.

Or write to:

The Information Commissioner’s Office 

Wycliffe House

Water Lane 



Records relating to St Monica's, Kendal

Westmorland and Furness Council transferred any records held within its internal Records Management Service to the Diocese of Carlisle on Wednesday 28 February 2024.  If anyone thinks they, or a relative, spent time at St Monica’s and would like to find out more, they can get in touch with Ali Ng, Head of Human Resources and Governance:


Post:  Church House, 19-24 Friargate, Penrith Cumbria, CA11 7XR