Request a clinical waste collection

Clinical waste collections are available if you have waste materials that must be separated from your general waste.

You can request a clinical waste collection if you have any waste that is defined as infectious or contaminated. The collection can be a temporary or permanent arrangement.

You must provide as much information as possible on the form to help us process your request.

Request clinical waste collection (PDF , 124KB)

You can also use this form to let us know you wish to cancel an existing clinical waste collection.

What we collect

This includes waste that is infectious or chemically contaminated, such as:

  • excretion
  • blood or other human fluids
  • medical items such as sharp instruments, swabs or inner dressings

What we do not collect

This does not include offensive waste that is not contaminated such as:

  • outer dressings
  • protective clothing
  • masks
  • gowns
  • gloves
  • nappies
  • incontinence pads

This waste should be bagged and disposed of in your general household waste. If you require a larger bin to contain extra waste due to this please contact us. If you have waste medicines these can be taken to any pharmacy for safe disposal.

How it is collected

Clinical waste is collected in single-use orange or yellow sacks and we will arrange for a contractor to provide you with bags and then make the collections from outside your property.

The clinical waste collection must be from a domestic dwelling.

Contact the Bin and Recycling team