Westmorland and Furness registration service fees and charges

Westmorland and Furness registration service fees and charges, including booking register office ceremony rooms, booking a registrar and ordering copies of certificates.

Fee waivers, reductions, refunds and cancellations

Find out more about our policies on refunds when cancelling ceremonies as well as fee reductions if you are in financial hardship or on compassionate grounds. 

Cancellation of ceremonies

If you need to cancel your ceremony, our refund policy on your ceremony fee is as follows. The cancellation date is deemed to be when written confirmation is received by the registrar.

If you cancel with more than 6 weeks notice

We will give you a full refund given, less the £125 deposit (£45 booking fee for church and statutory ceremonies).

If you cancel with less than 6 weeks notice

We will not refund you.

Reduction of fees

We can waive, reduce or refund fees on the grounds of hardship or compassion on a case by case basis.

Fee reductions due to financial hardship

Cases of hardship will be considered where the cost of buying certificates would prevent you from meeting household expenses such as food and bills. In all cases where hardship is to be considered, it should be supported by a written statement from an agency such as social care, housing organisations, homelessness charities, hospices, hospitals or other similar agencies.

This should state that you may not be able to pay the certificate fee due to hardship and may possibly delay access to other services causing further hardship. Where evidence is provided, the agency should include a recommendation as to whether it is appropriate to apply a waiver or reduction.

The standard reduction will be 50%. In cases where this cannot be evidenced, a waiver or reduction cannot be granted.

Fee reductions on compassionate grounds

Fees will not be charged for a certificate at the initial registration of the following events:

  • a still birth
  • the death of a child under the age of 18
  • a birth and subsequent death of a child registered simultaneously


Where a fee has been charged incorrectly or inadvertently then we will refund the fee as soon as possible.


Appeals should be made in writing, and will be dealt with in line with the Council’s Corporate Complaints Procedure.