Services privacy notices

Privacy notices for the services we deliver in Westmorland and Furness.

Our privacy policies explain how we collect and process your data, who we share it with and how we look after it.

You can find out about your rights in relation to the data we hold about you and how to make a complaint about the way we handle your data.

Westmorland and Furness Council services privacy notices

Westmorland and Furness service privacy notices
Service Privacy notice
Adult Social Care Privacy Notice - Adult Social Care (PDF , 577KB)
Blue Badge Service Privacy Notice - Blue Badge Service (PDF , 340KB)
Disaggregated Local authority Designated Officer (LADO) Privacy Notice - Disaggregated Local authority Designated Officer (LADO) (PDF , 164KB)
Electoral Services Privacy Notice - Electoral Services (PDF , 129KB)
Fostering Privacy Notice - Foster with Us (Regional Fostering and Recruitment Hub) (PDF 186KB , 4 pages)
Global Resettlement Service Privacy Notice - Global Resettlement Service (PDF , 216KB)
Housing Service Privacy Notice - Housing Service (PDF , 170KB)
Mental Health Crisis breathing Space Scheme Privacy Notice - Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space Scheme (PDF , 220KB)
Occupational Therapy Privacy Notice - Occupational Therapy (PDF , 180KB)
Personal Social Services - Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) - England Privacy Notice - Personal Social Services: Adult Social Care Survey (ASCS) - England (PDF , 168KB)
Personal Social Services - Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) Privacy Notice - Personal Social Services - Survey of Adult Carers in England (SACE) (PDF , 165KB)
Rehabilitation Officers for Visual Impairment (ROVI) Service Privacy Notice - Rehabilitation Officers for Visual Impairment (ROVI) Service (PDF , 206KB)
Revenues and Benefits Privacy Notice - Revenues and Benefits (PDF , 170KB)
School Admissions and Appeals Service Privacy Notice - School Admissions and Appeals Service (PDF , 157KB)
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Privacy Notice - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) (PDF , 391KB)
Support at home Privacy Notice - Support at Home (PDF , 176KB)
Targeted careers information advice and guidance service Privacy notice - Targeted careers information advice and guidance service (PDF , 589KB)
UK Resettlement Scheme - Afghanistan ARAP and ARCS Privacy notice - UK Resettlement Scheme - Afghanistan ARAP and ARCS (PDF , 221KB)
UK Resettlement Scheme - Ukraine Guests Privacy notice - UK Resettlement Scheme - Ukraine Guests (PDF , 224KB)
UK Resettlement Scheme - Ukraine Hosts Privacy notice - UK Resettlement Scheme - Ukraine Hosts (PDF , 216KB)
UK Resettlement Scheme (UKRS) Privacy notice - UK Resettlement Scheme - UKRS (PDF , 180KB)

Legacy councils' privacy notices

Service specific privacy policies for services that used to be delivered by the legacy councils that reformed to create Westmorland and Furness Council.

For Barrow Borough Council and Eden District Council privacy notices please contact us.

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Why you're going to a different website

As a new council we are in the process of adding information to this website. To give you the information you need some pages will link back to the old council websites.

About the council changes